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千葉大学グローバル人材育成プログラム (人文社会科学研究科)海外招聘講師セミナー

Posted: on 12:35 pm | 学術的活動(academic activity), 研究会・セミナー(seminars)







15:30-16:30 A Long History of Human Rights (Conal Condren先生)
16:30-17:30 China: Talking about a (Cheap) Revolution (葉鵬飛先生)
17:30-18:30  Singapore: Regime change in 2016? (葉鵬飛先生)
18:30-19:30 Japan in Southeast Asia: Winning friends from China (葉鵬飛先生)
場所:千葉大学大学院 人文社会科学系総合研究棟1階共同演習室4

16:00-17:00 Myth of Republican Liberty (Conal Condren先生)
17:00-18:00 Hobbes and Homer (Conal Condren先生)
18:00-19:00 International Relations:Secularization
(Mark Somos&Marketa Klicova先生)

16:00-17:00 Institutional corruption: definitions and methods
( Mark Somos&Marketa Klicova先生)
17:00-18:00 Behavioral economics: the creative arts paradigm and complex
( Mark Somos&Marketa Klicova先生)
18:00-19:00 Political economy: trust, commerce and peace
( Mark Somos&Marketa Klicova先生)
場所:千葉大学大学院  人文社会科学系総合研究棟1階共同演習室4

16:30-18:00(予定) Internet Law in a National Context – Leave the
Businesses to Sort it Out?      (Andrej Savin先生)

17:30-18:30 The EU, IT Regulation and Knowledge Economy – is
Overregulation in the EU Impeding Innovation?
(Andrej Savin先生)
18:30-19:30   The WTO, TRIPS and Knowledge Governance – is WTO the Right Forum?
(Andrej Savin先生)
場所: キャンパスイノベーションセンター(東京・田町)5階リエゾンコーナー(508号室)







15:30-16:30     The genealogy of human rights: the problems of historical continuity.
(講義:Conal Condren,討論者:小林正弥(千葉大学教授))
The paper discusses some of the difficulties in establishing historical continuities in the history of human rights, difficulties that would need to be overcome if a history of human rights was to become more than a matter of present centred genealogy. It argues that there is a continuity in the rhetorical functioning of appeals to human rights in western European culture, but far less conceptual

16:30-17:30     China: Talking about a (Cheap) Revolution
Wang Qishan, one of the seven most powerful man in China, recently warned the party of the danger of revolution to overthrow the party. Scholars tend to agree that China's social stability is under greater stress. With the advance of information technology, will China experience an "Arab Spring" style revolt?

17:30-18:30    Singapore: Regime change in 2016?
The passing  of the Population White Paper in February by the Singapore Parliament caused a social uproar. Thousands protested openly against government's 6.9 million population plan in 2030. There
are widespread talk that the only way to stop the population plan is to vote the PAP out in the coming 2016 general elections.

18:30-19:30     Japan in Southeast Asia: Winning friends from China
Japan under PM Abe is taking diplomatic offensive in Southeast Asia. With the quarrel over the South China Sea, many ASEAN countries are welcoming Japan's overtures. Will the balance of power shift in the favour of Japan in this region?

16:00-17:00      Genealogy, history and the case of liberty in early modern England.
(講義:Conal Condren)

The history of political thought has been a fundamentally secularising sub-genre of political studies, in which the quest to find modern secular concepts of politics has been important and historically
distorting. The focus is principally on attempts to find in the seventeenth century adherents to concepts of  negative liberty and liberalism, and in opposition to this neo Roman or Republican liberty. It concludes by suggesting that to see such exclusive commitments in Hobbes is historically misleading.

17:00-18:00      Hobbes and Homer
(講義:Conal Condren)
The paper discusses Hobbes’s until recently neglected translations of Homer as exercises in genealogical subversion and appropriation, expressions of his sense of being a philosopher and his conception of the public responsibilities of philosophy. Such a possibility seems unlikely only because Hobbes’s place in a genealogy of modern philosophy has required oversimplifying his understanding of philosophy. Hobbes’s ambitious enterprise of re-working the Homeric epics required in turn a repudiation through other translations, to undo the damage he had seemed to do to the ‘father of poetry’ and to the proper role of philosophy.

18:00-19:00     International Relations:Secularization
(講義:Mark Somos先生&Marketa Klicova)
As the first exploration of the reach and potential of intellectual history, I offer a new model of secularisation as a contingent, cumulative, and incomplete process, with some unintended consequences.
Facing severe conflict, key early modern thinkers realised that rival claims that staked their truth-content and validity on religious belief were ultimately irreconcilable. Gradually they removed such
claims from acceptable discourse, contributing to the comprehensive secularization that defines modernity. If blindness to religious claims has become definitive of modern politics, recollecting its
historical complexity and contingency is essential for overcoming some of its failures.

16:00-17:00     Institutional corruption: definitions and methods
(講義:Mark Somos先生&Marketa Klicova先生)
The second case study in the promise of intellectual history maps out early modern and Enlightenment discourses on corruption, degeneracy, and human nature, in order to substantiate the hermeneutical mechanism for establishing the "baseline" compared to which the corruption or fidelity of a range of modern institutions, from banks to SCOTUS, can be measured and tested.

17:00-18:00     Behavioral economics: the creative arts paradigm and complex
(講義:Mark Somos先生&Marketa Klicova先生)
My presentation will explore the exact import of intellectual history upon the production, appreciation and consumption of contemporary artworks. Taking six different works as case studies, I will explain how the conditions of their appreciation by an art-world audience is enhanced by the measure to which this audience is able to draw a line into both the near and the not so near past.

18:00-19:00     Political economy: trust, commerce and peace
(講義:Mark Somos先生&Marketa Klicova先生)
The final lecture on the promise and potential of intellectual history will begin with an examination of Fenelonian novels, a now forgotten, yet hugely influential Enlightenment genre of experimental novels in political economy. In these, a systematic series of thought experiments is set up to explore alternative commercial and political arrangements (both domestic and international), while simultaneously proposing a specific model for the ethical and scientific education of
a new sort of man suited for the commercial age. The reader encounters these alternative states through a traveling hero or prince, who is gradually revealed as a modern everyman and the recommended object of emulation for anyone aspiring to political and financial empowerment. Despite its literary form, the genre tackles serious subjects, at the highest intellectual standards of the time. Both these novels' specifics, and their genre of thought experiments that utilise the emotions of characters and readers to demonstrate points in citizenship, commerce and peace, will be shown to both influence current economic thought, and excel it in some of their methods.

16:30-18:00     Internet Law in a National Context - Leave the Businesses to Sort it Out?
(講義:Andrej Savin先生)
Part One looks at choices a national regulator needs to make when regulating cyberspace - too much regulation or too little, regulation or self-regulation, businesses or the state? The examples taken are from different countries in the world.

16:30-18:00   The EU, IT Regulation and Knowledge Economy - is Overregulation in
the EU Impeding Innovation?
(講義:Andrej Savin先生,討論者:辻雄一郎(駿河台大学准教授))
Part Two throws light on EU lawmaking in the IT sector and its impact on Innovation. It is often assumed that too much regulation has a negative impact on knowledge. The picture is not black and white and this lecture shows which of the EU efforts have had a positive effect and which negative.

18:00-19:30   The WTO, TRIPS and Knowledge Governance - is WTO the
Right Forum?
(講義:Andrej Savin先生,討論者:辻雄一郎(駿河台大学准教授))
The question asked here is whether the WTO or, indeed, any other international forum is the right place to regulate cyberspace. The lecture will look at some success stories (domain names) as well as
failures (International Telecommunications Union).





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